Friday, May 12, 2006

I am alone in the apartment this weekend

There was an re-organization in the office lately. I was not affected but my beloved ex-group of SA PEs was torn apart and was jumbled into two other groups. Hmm, a bad move, I guess.

Wesak day. Wesak Friday. Cold and windy. I bet it rained this dawn. Called by a colleague to become a tour guide (again!?) this morning and did some forced shopping. :P Neverthelss, happily I bought a scalp-sunburnt-prevention cap for Siam Reap trip. Hahaha.

I just want to laze around for this 3-day break. Pretty hard though, I guess. Another Category 5 session tonight. It's so popular lately. (A N, let's play when you are back! :P). And Vodka? Nah... I dont drink. :) )

Then it would be a whole-day house warming party tomorrow, for my die-hard table tennis partner Mr Gan. Oh... Sunday! Sunday! I want to sleep through Sunday! But I owe boss so many reports and reports and reports and reports and reports. Was I just repeatedly typing something?