Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I am alone in the apartment this weekend II

Piercing beeps of cell phone’s alarm woke me up from a short yet perfect sleep after a Category 5 session till 2am the night before. Rays of sunlight penetrated through the curtains as I found my way to the bathroom.

Submit MNS form, I remembered. 6 years after I paid a visit to MNS KL in Jalan Kelantan, I joined the society as my baby steps towards contributing some minuscule effort to the Earth. But when I was on my way picking up PL to show me the MNS hut in Botanical Garden, some ironic thoughts came as a great astonishment.

Yeah, I am adding fuel to the fire, releasing more anthropogenic CO2 where the emission of the most prevalent greenhouse gas is already counting up to 25 billion metric tons per year.

The annual fee is just 70 bucks. Well, the word “just” isn’t relative to how much cash I have. It’s how much it could go its way to alleviate the illness of the Earth.

“Save Belum-Temengor Campaign”. That would be my maiden involvement with MNS. http://www.mns.org.my/. Soon after that I found myself savouring sharkfin soup (artificial, of course) and delicate dim sum before heading to Gan’s housewarming party for lunch.

Gan’s house was amazing after transformation!

I was there some times ago when it’s till under renovation. It didn’t look that delightful for some reasons that we failed to find out. But that house was entirely exotic after that. Too bad the photographer only has part of the garden area taken as picture. Thanks to Gan and his wife for the plentiful fishballs of my fondness, specially bought ice cream for the Sarsi Float, and the cozy mansion for us to play Category5. (What? Again!?)

I was told that I can sing like Eason!

That’s flattering! : )))) I was singing with WC’s friends who came visiting her when one of them selected the song “K-King” from Eason. She thought it’s a wonderful song. I knew I could sing the song pretty well, nevertheless I just rarely opt to sing it in any k-session. Why do people always put aside things that are best to them in life, I ponder.

Lok-lok and Fried Oyster

We had lok lok and fried oyster after that. Guess what, we had our Category 5 session in the hawker center. How desperate. How tiring a day could be that it took me 5 seconds to sleep that night.

Eh hem... Do you see food first?


It's Sunday morning. I was forced to make a declaration of war to the birds after a series of “shuu-shuu” ultimatums failed to deliver good in expunging the birds from their assault by building nest in the apartment's balcony. Humane enough, I have let them stay till the chicks master their hereditary skill of flying.

I turned a cloth hanger into spear and explosively started my war with the birds, removing the empty nest of dried grass and artificial polyesters. Those descendants of Archaeopteryx were certainly no losers, shrieking and fly-ambushing in an attempt to win the head-on battle with a homosapien. Unfortunately, I was just so determined to get rid of the chirping noise early in the morning and the phobia of avian disease. Bye bye Acridotheres tristis.

That close encounter made me think of Alfred Hitchcock's classic - the Bird, and my visit to its original shooting location in Bodega Bay, a serene and secluded township about 40-minute drive on hilly country road from Rohnert Park.

Duh, I jsut miss those days, of bone-chilling wind and carefree moments.

Kids frantically running away from the birds.

Tall mansion. Hmm, I look tall too?

Solitary seagull. Cold Summer in Bodega Bay.

It got proof!

Picturesque yet melancholy Bodega Bay